February 22, 2010

Psychedelic Trees

Many countries honor the role trees and nature play in their respective ecosystems and cultures. Arbor Day originated from a Nebraska journalist and politician's perspective that planting trees - specifically orchards - would enhance the land and economy. Today, Arbor Day continues to serve a dual purpose of educating the public on the value of trees and earth-friendly practices and creating the opportunity for the community to take action and plant trees themselves.

National Tree Day is Australia's equivalent to Arbor Day. I like how their logo and poster use clean lines and modern imagery to communicate the fun and evolving holiday.

These are a few other logos I found when researching similar tree/ag organizations. They all have somewhat similar missions, but communicate this in very distinct ways. The HarvestToHarvest logo for Tu B'shvat utilizes the more agricultural symbols, Save the Redwoods plays with a retro antique look, American Forests represents a more traditional form of conservation, and Ecology Revolution takes a groovy approach.

Logos from:

Posted by Sara.


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