August 4, 2010

por favor mantenganse alejado de las computadoras

I found all of these ads by searching for hispanic advertising agency... and lo and behold, Google found me the Association of Hispanic Advertising Agencies...

Acento Agency of Los Angeles, CA -- for Senorial Sangria

"There are passions impossible to imitate."
-- Comparing the Sangria to football.

Groupo Gallegos Agency of Long Beach, CA -- for futuramente reading campaign

"To Read Gives You Wings
When a child opens a book, they discover new worlds. [Worlds] of knowledge and fantasy. Encourage them to read."

I like the placing of the books-- makes them look like, ah ha! WINGS! :)

Al Punto Advertising, Inc. of Tustin, CA -- for Farmer John

"Foods more rich [delicious], children more content [happy]."

I like the ad because it plays off of a typical South American depiction of the Virgen de Guadalupe, which many know as an indigenous interpretation of the Virgin Mary. It's very colorful and the board has "my mom" in script with her as the bringer of good food, if you will...

Acento Agency of Los Angeles, CA -- for MCI

Here again, using the culture to connect to the audience. Family is very close in Latin America and they play, through the text, on the fact that, "A telephone call is more than a connection. It can be a reconnection, a help, a knowledge. It can be a union, an ongoing project."

Unfortunately the design with white text against the light hand with a detailed background makes it so it isn't so readable online.

But the text is well thought out -- "That you can utilize the phone like a wonderful tool. A key which can open many doors. And leaves them open."

posted by amanda.nerud


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