February 16, 2010

Kraft Foods Innovation

I chose the Kraft Foods new corporate logo as my favorite because it shows a large corporation taking a chance.
Kraft Foods, Inc. is the largest confectionary, food, and beverage company headquartered in the United States and the second-largest in the world (after Nestlé SA). Considering how large of a company it is, changing their identity was a huge risk. It is important to note that they only changed their corporate identity, not their marketing identity (which is unique). Mac and Cheese boxes bear the same red and blue logo from as early as the 1960's -- which in a way deterred a "culture shock" with the customer by keeping the familiar logo on their products.

I also chose this logo because it shows not every new logo is a winner, after they unveiled the new logo, Kraft went back and tweaked it after negative responses.

Post by Whitney.


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